mojaPapaya — Pendo-Kenia


mojaPAPAYA - meaning one Papaya - is a brand that appears out of the talent and skills of many different craftsman at the coast of Kenya. Being all independent and good in our individual art craft, we come together and join for ideas, knowledge and of course to create!

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A Papaya is a one of a kind sweet and healthy fruit. Opening it, it shows its endless amount of seeds. The fruit obviously holds the seeds together, but each and every seed has the potential to grow to its own tree and have its own fruits as well.

A beautiful concept that speaks for our brand.

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The NGO Pendo Kenia is in the process of building a Youth Centre. The products that come out of the Youth Centre are running under the brand mojaPAPAYA.

The Youth Centre is not running yet, however we are already hosting workshops and working together with amazing craftsman, which will later on not only join, but become the Youth Centre.

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All our products aiming for natural elements and materials. By buying one of our products you are supporting not just local art, but the vision to spread more awareness, become more mindfull and rise organically as a community.

At the moment our focus is set on carpentry and tailoring. The products which are currently sold are playful with the focus set on the smaller human beings.

Later on we will ad not just a huger variety of products, but also more artwork such as ceramic and pottery, glas, art, mechanics and other crafts.


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At the moment we deliver our products to the whole of Kenya with G4S and Wells Fargo. The easiest way to place an order is over:

Instagram: @mojapapaya

Whatsapp: +49 172 8840082


Call: +254 758 346 377

As we are working with Kikois, Kangas and Kitenge, each of our product is unique. We therefore would love to communicate with you closely to understand what you are imagining.

If you saw a product on our Instagram we are happy to customize it for you.

We also give options for organic material and natural fillings. Please contact us for more details.

There are also some Boutiques we will be partnering with, as well as a little store at the FOOD MOVEMENT in Kilifi.

Long story short, reach out to us and the magic will happen!

Follow us on INSTAGRAM to receive more informations and to see our products!